Becky Beresford
Author. Speaker. Coach.
Hello Friend!
Right now, I wish we could grab our favorite lattes, lounge in comfy chairs, and talk about Jesus. I’d be wearing yoga pants, sans makeup and a messy bun… You know, the bun that actually looks bad and isn’t a ‘fake’ mess. Welcome to real life!
This space is reserved for those who are sick of trying to be perfect and do it all. They've tried following culture's script that says living as an empowered woman means you need to find the strength within. The truth is... it isn't working. In fact, women strive to believe in themselves and do all the hard things, but the result has left them weary, confused and fighting off shame. What if it didn't have to be this way?
What if true empowerment came from relying on God, not ourselves?
I want to help women embrace CHRIST-CENTERED EMPOWERMENT in order to face life's trials with confidence in God care! We don't need to be the savior of our own stories. That's Jesus' job and He's faithfully good at it.
Will you join me as we walk out what it means to live as an empowered Daughter of the King according to the gospel? I hope you'll experience the freedom that comes from depending on God and His ability to do all things.
Much love,