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Becky Beresford

Author. Speaker. Coach.

“I think we can all agree, this world doesn’t need more division and separation. It needs connection and people who are bravely willing to close the gap. And trust me, my friend: kindness will always be the bridge.” 


-Becky Beresford for The Mighty

Becky Beresford, Author

About Becky

Hey there! 


I’m Becky and I’d love to give you a small glimpse into the true loves of my life…


I love my Savior.

Without Jesus I don’t really want to think about where I’d be. He came in, redefined my identity and now I can’t go back. He is the only One who has never let me down and loves without fail. When He died for the world on the Cross, it was the most precious sacrifice heaven could offer, and God did it to be with us. Even before my first breath, Jesus’ death paid the penalty for my future sins – giving me the choice to follow Him and become a child of God… or not. That kind of unconditional grace makes me devote my life to Him. Nothing can separate me from His love or change the gospel truths of who I am.


I love my boys.

Fifteen years ago one of my fellow camp counselors started putting the moves on me and showed me how to work an Apple computer for the first time. Clearly, I was smitten by this tech genius, but the fact that he was handsome and loved Jesus really helped seal the deal. Fast forward to now and we are married people with three little people of our own. Our oldest son is autistic, and God has been taking our family down a sacred road ever since. I am severely outnumbered in a house of boys, including our paranoid (but cute) beagle. We did, however, just get a golden retriever GIRL. I dress her up shamelessly. I love my tribe with every fiber in my being and would not be me without them.


I love people.

We all reflect the image of God and were made to be in a relationship with Him. Our souls crave what only He can give. Each of us were created to be a unique representation of Jesus to others, and I love the beautiful diversity found within the Body of Christ. We need each other. We aren’t clones. We are individuals who matter and were made to revolutionize the world for Jesus. Everyone’s story is important. Each person has immense value. We all have the sacred purpose of becoming disciples, pointing people back to God and being deeply loved by Him. From all backgrounds, races and cultures, I believe the differences we see around us are only a tiny picture of the magnificence of heaven – a place where every tribe, people and tongue will praise our worthy King!


I love to encourage and empower women.

It’s true. Women are incredible. Although I’m surrounded by a household of men, I have worked with women in ministry for over 15 years throughout the country. Nothing sets my heart on fire more than empowering women to walk confidently in their God-given, gospel identities. Shame, Fear, Anxiety and Insecurities continue to bog God’s Daughters down (I know from personal experience), but our Creator wants to set us free from anything that prevents us from experiencing the abundance of life we have in Him. We can walk with our heads held high, knowing fully who we are in Christ, ready to put Satan in his place. Every one of God’s girls deserves to embrace His tender heart and take part in bringing His Kingdom down. There are no exceptions.


I love to write and *gasp* SPEAK.

I never thought I would pursue a career as a writer, let alone talk about my journey with Jesus in front of crowds. I was the girl who tried to hide under her desk whenever the teacher wanted someone to volunteer to give their speech first. It terrified me. When I became a new mom, I realized my hands-on ministry days had to be put on hold, but God laid it on my heart to starting writing a blog. So I did it. And as it turns out, I love it. My first book with Moody Publishers released in March 5th, 2024! I'm also a Collaboration Coach who helps other creatives support each other and build their platforms in fun and fruitful ways. Busy? Yes. Crazy? Probably. Worth it? For sure. I pray my writing and speaking will represent Jesus well and will help others experience a deep, life-changing relationship with God. His voice is the only one that matters.


I loved hosting the Brave Women Series.

For over FIVE YEARS, a different woman shared about her journey toward courage with Jesus every week. I am in awe of the tenacity, strength and bravery God bestows on His Girls. It’s quite ironic that God asked me (someone who has struggled with anxiety and fear her entire life) to host a series about courage, but He knew what He was doing. After five years, God called me to end the series, but you can still read the stories any time you please! I know highlighting women and their stories is NOT OVER, it's just going to be different and probably BIGGER. Sign up to receive more updates about what that may look like by becoming a part of my email list HERE.

You won't regret it!


Okay, I think that’s a decent snapshot. Stick around and we'll get to know each other more. I'm excited to connect and serve you. ♡

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© 2023 by Becky Beresford, Author

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