By Rachael Gilbert
God's Brave Women - Rachael's Story
I was making my grocery shopping list as I heard our guest speaker say, “If you want to be a leader, you need to know how to write.”
This speaker was also an author, and she had come to teach us about writing. Her session was one of six in the course I was enrolled in at our church called WILD: Women In Leadership Development.
I was all for developing my leadership skills, but I had no idea that meant I would need to work on speaking and writing. When I heard this session was on writing, I dismissed it because I never considered myself a writer. English was my weakest subject in high school, while I cleped out of my college math courses. The only writing this math brain had ever done was in my diary, and the only person who read that was my nosey older sister.
But I knew the Lord was calling me to be a leader.
The teacher explained that, as leaders, we may be called upon to write an article or create other resources. She suggested starting a blog to “work on our writing.” I put that in quotation marks because my first thought is the episode from Friends where Ross “works on his music.” If you haven’t seen it, imagine a teenage boy sitting on the stairs doing his best to play his keyboard while everyone else is putting their fingers in their ears because it’s so painful to listen.
Because I was determined to be obedient to this call of leadership in my life, I started my first blog called Life Outside the Shell. It was founded on 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given you a spirit of fear or timidity, but power, love, and a sound mind.” My shaky hands put together my first blog post, and much to my surprise, I enjoyed writing. I was even more shocked to learn that people loved to read my writing!
Fast forward seven years and as I write these words I am about to submit my first manuscript to my publishing house. That’s right! This “math mind” girl went from only having a diary to being a published author!
You might be reading this story and thinking, “But how does this apply to me?” I’m so glad you asked. Not everyone is called to be an author (though I sense some of you reading this are). But God is calling each of you to something bigger than yourself.
"Not everyone is called to be an author... But God is calling each of you to something bigger than yourself."
Here are a few life lessons I’ve learned from being brave enough to say YES when God calls:
1.) If we are willing to say yes, God will do the rest.
Think for a moment about a few heroes of the faith who were willing to give God a “yes.” Noah said yes and that ark saved his family and the human race. David said yes and defeated a giant with only a sling and stone! Esther said yes and saved her people. Mary said yes and gave birth to our Savior, Jesus. The list of “yes’s” from the Bible could fill these pages for days. God isn’t looking for perfection; he is looking for willing soldiers.
"God isn’t looking for perfection; he is looking for willing soldiers."
2.) God shows off in our weakness.
If the Bible characters I mentioned above were in a yearbook, their photo would read “the least likely to succeed.” David, for example, was the youngest and smallest brother. As the youngest of five, I can relate to David. Writing this book has made 2 Corinthians 12:9 come to life. It says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Just when I think I can’t write another word or take one more step, I rest in God’s power, and He flexes in my situation. Our world tells us to fake it until we make it. God’s word says to boast of our weaknesses so Christ’s power can rest on us. What a relief, the pressure to perform is off!
"Our world tells us to fake it until we make it. God’s word says to boast of our weaknesses so Christ’s power can rest on us."
3.) Being brave is uncomfortable.
Each one of those Bible heroes must have felt uncomfortable giving their yes. Esther risked her life while Noah risked his pride. My mentor once told me, “Discomfort is the price of admission to taking new territory.” Being brave and saying yes when God calls is not always comfortable, but the new territory waiting on the other side is worth it.
"Being brave and saying yes when God calls is not always comfortable, but the new territory waiting on the other side is worth it."
What is God asking you to say yes to in this season? Trust Him as He leads you into new territory. Ask Him to give you a word to stand on. Even as I write my first book, I am still standing on 2 Timothy 1:7.
God did not give any of us a spirit of fear or timidity. Let’s embrace His power, experience His love, and take new territory in the year to come.
Always cheering for you,
Rachael Joy
Brave Woman Manifesto
Make sure to check back next week as another courageous Sister shares her story.
And by the way...
You are Brave!
No matter what you are facing, God has made you in His image, which means He equips you with His courage, strength, and power. I would love to connect more and give you a FREE gift - the BRAVE WOMAN MANIFESTO: Five Things to Tell Yourself When Life Gets Hard. Click HERE to sign up for my monthly newsletter and you’ll receive the FREE Manifesto, as well as recent blog posts, updated resources and personal details delivered only to my empowered email tribe.
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About Rachael
Rachael Gilbert is a wife, mom, counselor, business owner, author (book coming March 2023), and podcast host of Real Talk with Rachael.
Rachael helps women find their voice and be brave enough to use it. She loves to have real conversations and help women live free so they can pursue their God-given dreams. You can find her at or on Instagram @rachaeljgilbert.