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Daring to Put Jesus First: Giving Our Dreams and Decisions to God

Writer: Brave Women SeriesBrave Women Series

By Andrea P. Bourgeois

God's Brave Women - Andrea's Story

It was New Year’s Day in 2009 and I laid there staring at the ceiling on my bed. I had rehearsed my conversation with God for days, but this day I physically, mentally, and spiritually took my first leap of faith into the unknown – I jumped into the Jordan River with God.

I had reached a crossroads in my life; to the left was the familiar and to the right was foreign land, uncharted territory. The familiar road was full of disappointment, hurt, pain, and grieved dreams. Whereas, the unknown path was full of mystery and peace. I knew it was time to say goodbye to the past and begin stepping into the future.


"I had reached a crossroads in my life; to the left was the familiar and to the right was foreign land, uncharted territory. The familiar road was full of disappointment, hurt, pain, and grieved dreams. Whereas, the unknown path was full of mystery and peace."


God knew I was ready. I was scared. I was alone. And yet, I was surrounded by His peace. I believed in the deepest parts of me that God had better for me and I was finally ready to find that new life!

A few days later I boarded a plane for my first mission trip that would catapult me into God’s new path for my life. I stood on the balcony of a hotel in Belize, Central America with my arms held out, feeling the breeze like Kate in Titanic. I told God, “I trust you!”

Ten years would then quickly pass. I discovered who I was. I fell in love. I experienced God’s presence in new ways. I got married. I witnessed more heartache in our family, and then I heard it loud and clear. “WRITE.”

For almost a decade, I wrote every feeling, story, journey, and process I’d ever experienced and witnessed firsthand. I wrote about myself and my family and about the children I’d hope to have. Time was flying yet it felt like at a standstill at times. I became a mother and I discovered the world at new depths. And then I found myself there again at the Jordan River, taking another giant leap of faith to pursue this writing gig and trust God with this wild God sized DREAM.

When we take leaps of faith with God, we have to fully surrender our wants and dreams, all of our will to Jesus. It’s definitely hard to stay the course. It’s challenging and so discouraging if we take our eyes off Jesus. Sometimes we forget we are all on our own journeys with the Lord. But we can’t compare ourselves to others and what He has done for them or is currently doing. All our stories are different.


"When we take leaps of faith with God, we have to fully surrender our wants and dreams, all of our will to Jesus... Sometimes we forget we are all on our own journeys with the Lord. But we can’t compare ourselves to others and what He has done for them or is currently doing. All our stories are different."


For me, this second leap of faith, has helped me take my faith to a whole new level. When I say “It’s all about Jesus,” I mean it truly. It’s all about HIM! It’s about nothing else.

It’s about the love He has for us and the meaning behind every single blessing and correction He has for us. We are His Bride.

It’s not about my worldly gain or how many books I have written or get to write. It’s not about what I think my social media should look like or what “they” say it should look like to be an influencer in the Christian market. It’s not about any of that. It’s about one thing – Jesus.


"It’s not about what I think my social media should look like or what “they” say it should look like to be an influencer in the Christian market. It’s not about any of that. It’s about one thing – Jesus."


It’s about being so in tune with the Holy Spirit that all my moves are based on His promptings and guidance.

It’s about helping others see Jesus in a new way.

It’s about helping others discover Him at new depths.

It’s about helping others realize that God doesn’t fit into the childhood box we put Him in or the box we’ve placed Him inside somewhere along the way. He’s so much bigger!

It’s about helping others see themselves as worthy in His eyes and learning His mind-blowing ways.

It’s about HIM! Nothing else matters if I don’t keep that mindset. It’s about Jesus, not me.

God just needs our YES. He will get us where He needs us. He’ll turn our YES into a move of God without us having to try. He’ll make the impossible possible. I know this because I am proof. A few months ago, God brought my first book into the world, and I am honored and humbled to be a part of what HE IS DOING!


"God just needs our YES. He will get us where He needs us. He’ll turn our YES into a move of God without us having to try. He’ll make the impossible possible."


Do you have the courage to say YES to God? Are you brave enough to face pain or endure difficulty to get where God is calling you? Can you keep your eyes on Him throughout the process?

Y’all, stay the course, persevere, and wait patiently for His timing. Then just soak in His love, grace, and peace.

Trust me, the leap of faith is always worth it.


Brave Woman Manifesto

Make sure to check back next week as another courageous Sister shares her story!

And by the way...

You are Brave!

No matter what you are facing, God has made you in His image, which means you are full of His strength and power. I would love to connect with you more and give you a FREE gift - the BRAVE WOMAN MANIFESTO: Five Things to Tell Yourself When Life Gets Hard. Click HERE to sign up for my monthly newsletter and you’ll receive the FREE Manifesto, as well as recent blog posts, updated resources and personal details delivered only to my lovely email tribe.

AS A BONUS… Subscribers will also be the first to receive news regarding the BRAVE WOMEN BIBLE STUDY coming out later this year and a sample chapter! *insert happy dance here* SIGN UP for more info on the study’s release and availability!


About Andrea

Andrea P. Bourgeois is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of the Pain into Purpose Summit, where 30 speakers share how God turned their pain into purpose through the storms of life.

Andrea is passionate about giving people tools to discover God’s faithfulness by studying God’s word, turning pain into purpose, and inspiring others to share their story with the world. She is a high school teacher by day and a writer by night. Her and her husband Brian reside in Southwest Louisiana with their four-year-old son.

She released her first book Just Breathe: A Modern Day Exodus Journey to Revive Your Soul in February and her second book Anchor My Soul releases this summer! You can purchase a copy of Just Breathe at Walmart, Barnes and Noble, BooksaMillion, and Amazon.

Andrea would love to connect with you on Facebook and Instagram, as well as her website or

1 Comment

Apr 26, 2021

Andrea, so timely! I just wrote about standing at crossroads this morning! It is all about trust. Thank you for sharing your precious words and stepping out in faith to encourage us! 💗🐝

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