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Writer's pictureBrave Women Series

Having the Courage to Say YES to God, Even When It Doesn't Go as Planned

By Mamie Pack

God's Brave Women - Mamie's Story

“I’m sorry, but you are just not what we are looking for at this time.”

He stands, returning my resume back into my hands.

Smile plastered on my face, heart breaking, hands trembling, grabbing my resume, I walk away.

It wasn’t supposed to go this way.

Walking away, my eyes glazed over the rows of tables with job recruiters. People walking, resumes in hand, hoping someone would simply say yes. Hoping for the opportunity to start a new job.

But table after table, interview after interview, the rejections were on repeat.

“You have great qualifications, but . . . “ “Unfortunately, we were looking for someone who . . .”

“We’re concerned about the gap in your resume.”

After spending all day at my third job fair in two weeks, I left once again with no job. I spent over a decade as an educator and my doctorate in education was almost complete. How was this happening?


"After spending all day at my third job fair in two weeks, I left once again with no job. I spent over a decade as an educator and my doctorate in education was almost complete. How was this happening?"


Mustering up every ounce of strength, I started walking back to my car. I didn’t feel brave. I didn’t feel strong. Opening the door, I melted into the seat. Disbelief, anger, and fear began to invade my heart.

Why is this so hard?

Did I hear God wrong?

Did I miss my moment?

What if no one hires me?

I could not bear to pick up the phone to talk to my husband. I could not bring myself to utter the words no one wanted to hire me, again. So I sat in my car, waiting. I expected God’s presence. No, I needed His presence.

It was in the waiting God reminded me where He guides, He provides.

I heard the whisper, “Remember.”

Would I have the bravery to hold on to my faith even when life didn’t look the way I planned?


"It was in the waiting God reminded me where He guides, He provides... Would I have the bravery to hold on to my faith even when life didn’t look the way I planned?"


After being content to be a stay-at-home mom for six years, the Holy Spirit began to stir my desire to go back to work.

Eagerly, I looked forward to stepping right back into the high school classroom and impacting lives. Teaching wasn’t just my profession; being a teacher is a part of who I am. God equipped me and called me, now I was waiting for Him to assign me to this next season.

Being brave meant saying say YES to God.

When I began feeling the stirring to re-enter the workplace, my husband and I prayed for clarity, for direction, and wisdom.

While I was away from the traditional classroom for six years, my life changed. We were now a family with four sons, living in a new city again (thanks U.S. Navy), and no local family support. Going back to work now would be different.

It was risky. It was scary. There was a huge chance nothing would go the way I planned, but I knew I needed to prepare anyway. I would choose bravery, even in the face of my insecurities.

Knowing this prompting was from God, I said “Yes, God. Where you lead me, I will go.”

I was walking an unknown path with the God I know. Ignited by my faith, I bravely started the steps to begin a new chapter in my life.


"Knowing this prompting was from God, I said “Yes, God. Where you lead me, I will go.” I was walking an unknown path with the God I know."


Making the list was easy. Interviewing for a job wasn’t new to me. Updating my resume was simple. Any reason to get professional clothes and go shopping by myself while the hubby watched the kiddos was a win. I was more than ready to begin the process of getting a new job.

When God stirred me to go back to work, I thought He was taking me back to the familiar places within my profession.

But with each failed interview, I would find my way back to God. Each time God would remind me where He guides, He provides.

Sitting there in my car that day, I remembered. This moment was not about rejection but preparation.

God was using the process to prepare me for something new.


"This moment was not about rejection but preparation. God was using the process to prepare me for something new."


Cleaning my face, putting a praise in my heart, I picked up the phone to call my husband. Instead of telling him about how I felt I failed, I celebrated all the ways I was brave.

I talked about how I showed up even when I was uncomfortable. I shared areas I learned had improved. I praised God for His direction and protection. He had the right place with the right people already planned for me.

My third job fair wasn’t a failure, it was training ground.

I continued to do the hard things and kept saying YES to God, especially when my career path was reshaped in a way I never expected.

Overtime this educator said good-bye to the brick-and-mortar high school English classroom and said hello to teaching online full-time in higher education. A path I never planned for myself, but was prepared for me by God.

Friend, being brave to do the new thing God is calling you to do often doesn’t feel like bravery at all. Some days it may feel like fear, insecurities, and frustration—but keep saying YES to God anyway. Whatever He has guided you to do, He has already provided for you.

So show up, prepare yourself, and remember the promises of God. He’s got you.


Brave Woman Manifesto

Make sure to check back next week as another courageous Sister shares her story!

And by the way...

You are Brave!

No matter what you are facing, God has made you in His image, which means you are full of His strength and power. I would love to connect with you more and give you a FREE gift - the BRAVE WOMAN MANIFESTO: Five Things to Tell Yourself When Life Gets Hard. Click HERE to sign up for my monthly newsletter and you’ll receive the FREE Manifesto, as well as recent blog posts, updated resources and personal details delivered only to my lovely email tribe.

AS A BONUS… Subscribers will also be the first to receive news regarding the BRAVE WOMEN BIBLE STUDY coming out later this year and a sample chapter! *insert happy dance here* SIGN UP for more info on the study’s release and availability!


About Mamie

Dr. Mamie L. Pack is passionate about few things: God, her family, and equipping women to intentionally cultivate a full life doing less. She focuses on writing about all things marriage, motherhood, military life, and identity. Using her expertise as an educator, mentor, and leader, she pours her knowledge and experience into discussing mental and emotional wellness, building healthy families and cultivating community. She is also the owner of MLP Media, a stylish stationery company for women of all ages and stages of life.

Connect with Mamie on her website, as well as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.


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