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Letting Go of Others' Opinions: Boldly Living as an Offering to Jesus

Writer's picture: Brave Women SeriesBrave Women Series

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

By Faith Eury Cho

God's Brave Women - Faith's Story

A congregation member once asked to meet with me over coffee. She was cordial and seemed to be interested in the ministry that I was doing.

I shared how I was originally on the pre-law track in college and thought that I would earn a law degree for Kingdom purposes. However, the Lord led me another way, which I gladly embraced.

She smiled through the conversation politely and at the end said, “You would have been a good lawyer,” and left it at that.

It was a packed statement. In the context of our conversation, she was basically saying that she was glad to see that I was content with my life, but she could not deny the lost “potential” of what my life could have looked like with a law degree, power, and money.


"She was basically saying that she was glad to see that I was content with my life, but she could not deny the lost “potential” of what my life could have looked like..."


I run into these sorts of conversations here and there. Ministry was not my last resort. It was not a choice made because nothing else worked out in my life. It was my first choice, my only choice. And, I made it at the prime of my life.

I understand why my choices confuse some. If being an influential Christian was the goal, then I could have chosen a field where women were not constantly questioned.


"If being an influential Christian was the goal, then I could have chosen a field where women were not constantly questioned."


If stability was the goal, then I would have gone down the route where contracts were provided and benefits were guaranteed.

If happiness was the goal, then, perhaps, I would have chosen a career where being rejected and misunderstood wasn’t a constant probability.

But, I don’t think the goal of Christianity is any of these things, contrary to what some may believe.

Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

When God offered His hand of love and commitment to me, it was through laying down His very own life. He gave me Himself. He did not send a proxy. He did not send a message or a gift. He sent Himself, and that was how He proposed.

Perhaps, I felt that the best way to accept His proposal was by offering myself in return.


"When God offered His hand of love and commitment to me, it was through laying down His very own life... He sent Himself, and that was how He proposed. Perhaps, I felt that the best way to accept His proposal was by offering myself in return."


There was a time when Jesus had more than 12 disciples. The others left because the teaching was too difficult, the path too absurd. When Jesus turned to Peter and asked, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Peter replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:67-68)

In this moment, Peter did not know that he was going to become the great Apostle Peter. He did not know that his writings would be read by the Body of Christ for centuries to come. He did not know that the story of his martyrdom would be retold and remembered by thousands. There was no career plan, education track, or financial map to follow.

You see, all Peter had was an intimate knowledge of who Jesus was. And because of his brave faith in Him, he did not care about what he did by Jesus’ side… as long as he was by Jesus’ side.


"All Peter had was an intimate knowledge of who Jesus was. And because of his brave faith in Him, he did not care about what he did by Jesus’ side… as long as he was by Jesus’ side."


What to become and how to gain are, perhaps, the two most stressful points of tension for Christians these days. However, anyone entering into any sort of relationship with goals to become influential, stable, or even happy, will always come out the other end broken and disillusioned.

Jesus did not die on the cross so that I can be a better person, nor did He do it so that I can do big things with my life. Rather, the cross was a proposal to have me as His own for the rest of eternity. Not just a well-behaved You or an impressive me — just me. And you too.


"Jesus did not die on the cross so that I can be a better person, nor did He do it so that I can do big things with my life. Rather, the cross was a proposal to have me as His own for the rest of eternity."


My choice to enter into the ministry was not because it was the only way to live for Jesus. Rather, it was just my best way. I knew that if I wasn’t concerned about the secondary things, then this was my absolute best way.

And every day, I have peace in knowing that I am my best gift to my bridegroom.


"Every day I have peace in knowing that I am my best gift to my bridegroom."



Brave Woman Manifesto

Make sure to check back next week as another courageous Sister shares her story.

And by the way...

You are Brave!

No matter what you are facing, God has made you in His image, which means He equips you with His courage, strength, and power. I would love to connect more and give you a FREE gift - the BRAVE WOMAN MANIFESTO: Five Things to Tell Yourself When Life Gets Hard. Click HERE to sign up for my monthly newsletter and you’ll receive the FREE Manifesto, as well as recent blog posts, updated resources and personal details delivered only to my empowered email tribe.

AS A BONUS… Subscribers will also be the first to receive news regarding the book I am writing with Moody Publishers! SIGN UP for more info on my book’s release and availability.


About Faith

Faith Eury Cho has been in the ministry since she was 19-years-old and continues to have a burning passion to know the Presence of God, articulate the gospel, and champion the marginalized. Currently, she is a pastor, a pastor’s wife, the founder of The Honor Summit (501c3), and a church planter (Mosaic Covenant Church of NJ).

However, her most precious role is to be a mother to her four children, and as a family they have launched Mosaic Church in February 20, 2022. Connect with Faith more on Instagram @faitheurycho.


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