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Meeting Jesus in Our Overwhelm: How God's Word is a Strong Anchor in Life's Storms

Writer's picture: Brave Women SeriesBrave Women Series

By Leslie C. Glass

God's Brave Women - Leslie's Story

I wasn’t a Sunday school regular and wasn’t discipled as a teenager. I didn’t participate in college ministry – honestly, I didn’t know it was an option. I didn’t know the story of the Exodus or the road to Emmaus until well into adulthood.

Yet, I’d kept every Bible given to me and treasured them without truly knowing the Treasure inside. By his kindness, I did know Jesus loved me – though I didn’t really understand what it really meant.

Seven years ago this Spring, everything buoying my fragile life was suddenly out of reach with a work-related move to a new state. The affirmations and security of my longtime profession were gone. The Sunday rays of sunshine pouring through my favorite sanctuary shutters seemed distant. Friends and family were out of reach, and, my marriage was on life-support.

“Give me an anchor for my soul”, I pleaded, without using any words at all.

My eternity was certain but the day-to-day, moment-by-moment survival was too much. My spiritual limping wasn’t enough anymore. “Jesus, I need you now!! Be my anchor! Activate this unsophisticated faith!”

At 35 years old, the Lord used a perfect storm of moving and marriage stress to highlight my need of a constant soul anchor and an activated faith every, single day.


"The Lord used a perfect storm of moving and marriage stress to highlight my need of a constant soul anchor and an activated faith every, single day."


When I cried, “I can't hold on any longer, Lord!”, he responded with an outstretched hand and a winsome invitation to meet him in the morning. I tried reminding him of my two young children and all my weighty burdens, even pleading that sleep was my only escape from reality. But he kept whispering, “Meet me in the morning.”

As the storm raged around me, the Lord invited me into a rhythm of meeting him in the mornings by way of his Word.


"As the storm raged around me, the Lord invited me into a rhythm of meeting him in the mornings by way of his Word."


Desperately, with my overwhelm and lack of biblical sophistication in tow, I determined to wake up and open my Bible. I precisely identified with Simon Peter declaring, “Lord, to whom else would I go?” (John 6:68)

Maybe you're not feeling all the anxieties of a big move or a desperate marriage. Maybe you’re in the middle of your own perfect storm. Do you feel yourself longing for an anchor to hold you fast and an activated faith to keep you going? If the Lord threw you the life preserver of his Word, would you be brave enough to catch it?


"If the Lord threw you the life preserver of his Word, would you be brave enough to catch it?"


When the Lord invited me into a rhythm of meeting him in the mornings, my untrained eye didn’t deter him at all. My unchurched upbringing didn’t disqualify me. Your own list of lacks and supposed disqualifiers don’t deter his desire to meet you either.


"Your own list of lacks and supposed disqualifiers don’t deter his desire to meet you."


He heard my plea for anchoring and activation because it’s a familiar plea – we all want to know we are seen and chosen. We all long to have our wandering hearts tethered to something or someone, good and true, regardless of our past, present, or source of pain. God met my plea in 2015 with a rhythmic invitation to keep my eyes on Jesus, in his Word, at the dawn of the day.


"... We all want to know we are seen and chosen. We all long to have our wandering hearts tethered to something or someone, good and true, regardless of our past, present, or source of pain."


This was a tall request for a busy mom juggling all the things, but, if landing my blurry eyes on the delicate pages of the Word of God was the way to meet him in my mess, I’d give it a try. My mornings in the Word were far from perfect, but ultimately, he made me brave enough to keep coming back.

In God’s providence, I began the book of Ruth soon after my morning rhythm began. This tiny book became the alluring appetizer leaving me hungry for more. Here was Ruth, an outsider, not raised up in the faith – just like me. Away from home – just like me. All hope lost apart from what she might find in the Lord – just like what I felt so palpably. In Ruth, I could see God’s sovereignty, feel his love, and cling to his hope when what is seen seems hopeless.

The life-giving rhythm of mornings with Jesus in the Bible were the anchor my soul needed. They didn’t make the storm go away, but they did deepen and activate my faith day by day.


"The life-giving rhythm of mornings with Jesus in the Bible were the anchor my soul needed. They didn’t make the storm go away, but they did deepen and activate my faith day by day."


The Spirit of Christ surely enabled me, making me brave enough to read with an untrained eye, washing me with hope and courage, and spurring me on when the snooze button tempted.

Seven years have passed and my storm has settled. My marriage survived by the grace of the God, through solid, biblical counseling, and on the prayers of unswerving saints. A lot has changed since those desperate days but my rhythm of mornings with the Lord remains.

He lent me bravery back then to come to him no matter what. He lends me bravery now to keep coming, to keep learning, to keep leaning on him. And, he’ll lend it to you, no matter how unqualified you feel.

“Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.” (Psalm 34:3)


Brave Woman Manifesto

Make sure to check back next week as another courageous Sister shares her story.

And by the way...

You are Brave!

No matter what you are facing, God has made you in His image, which means He equips you with His courage, strength, and power. I would love to connect more and give you a FREE gift - the BRAVE WOMAN MANIFESTO: Five Things to Tell Yourself When Life Gets Hard. Click HERE to sign up for my monthly newsletter and you’ll receive the FREE Manifesto, as well as recent blog posts, updated resources and personal details delivered only to my empowered email tribe.

AS A BONUS… Subscribers will also be the first to receive news regarding the book I am writing with Moody Publishers! SIGN UP for more info on my book’s release and availability.


About Leslie

Leslie C. Glass is a writer, speaker and rhythms coach. She helps women implement life-giving rhythms so they feel anchored, energized and closer to the Lord. Leslie’s personal experience of how transformative a few deep, yet simple rhythms can be fuels this passion. As a Certified Biblical Life Coach, Leslie helps clients uncover deep, yet simple practices to serve them well while enjoying encouragement and authentic accountability.

Leslie enjoys playing tennis, running and reading. She lives in Georgia with her husband and children where they keep their bags packed for whatever road trip might be just around the corner.

Her Seasonal Morning Journal Series is available on Amazon and her article, “The New Mercies of Morning Devotions” was recently published by The Gospel Coalition. Connect with Leslie on Instagram and on her website. But, first, enjoy her free guide, Five Small Shifts to a Life-Giving Morning!


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© 2023 by Becky Beresford, Author

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